
Is Mineral Wells running out of water? Is Palo Pinto County? In the past, I haven’t given much thought about asking if water is available on a particular parcel that someone is interested in purchasing or selling. But, in the last year, it has become a standard question. Even a question that I get answered before we go out to look at a piece of property. If you aren’t going to be able to get a water tap or if a well isn’t feasible, we have to have the conversation about harvesting water and/or the different options available for bringing in water to the property.

Different water co-ops have started limiting the number of water taps that can be sold and in some parts of the county, there is no water available at this time. So, what is the future of our water situation, especially with a new 500 home subdivision coming in within the next two years?

Currently our only source of water comes from Lake Palo Pinto and during times of drought, we go on water restrictions. As of today (September 1, 2022), Mineral Wells is in Stage 1 for water restrictions. This means:

With additional homes being built and water restrictions in place, what does the future hold? The answer? Turkey Peak Reservoir

Turkey Peak Reservoir is scheduled to begin construction in 2025 and will adjoin Lake Palo Pinto. At this time Lake Palo Pinto services 31,000 customers and has an 8.8 billion water capacity (according to www.turkeypeakreservoir.com). Estimated to be completed by 2028, the reservoir will provide an additional 7.1 billion gallons, which is an increase of 83% according to the project’s website (www.turkeypeakreservoir.com.) This should take care of future water needs for residents and businesses within Mineral Wells, Palo Pinto County and parts of Parker County.

**Visit Turkey Peak Reservoir for more detailed information. The website publishes information about the project, provides a map, gives a timeline and includes other news and resources that are available. ***The photo provided on this blog is courtesy of www.turkeypeakreservoir.com***


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